2024/25 11+ Course




This information is provided in order to give you a flavour of our approach and an idea of the scope of our work.  It does not form part of the Terms and Conditions for our courses.  Click for full T&CS.

The information here is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication.

You might want to see what our customers say.

If, after reading this information and the T&Cs for this course, you still have queries, please email us at manager@elevenplustutor.org.uk. We would be pleased to assist. 



1. Children in year 5 who are academically able and eager to learn, and who are going to sit a grammar school 11+ test or independent school selection test.
  • As the course covers English/VR, Maths/Numerical Reasoning, and Spatial Reasoning/Non-Verbal Reasoning, it is excellent preparation for all 11+ tests regardless of who sets the test papers.
  • Even Creative writing is available as an optional extra for those schools that include this skill in their 11+ test.




2. Children in year 5 who have a thirst for learning and are seeking a huge boost to their education.
  • Many parents are seeking to give their child an educational boost without necessarily having an eye to selection tests.
  • Provided that the pupil is able to cope with the workload and maintain a positivity about learning, they will certainly get this boost.


NOT SURE WHETHER IT’S GOOD FOR YOUR CHILD?  If you are unsure whether the course is suitable for your child, you can consult Sir Tailor directly.  Email us to request a free Zoom meeting.





In a word, VALUES.  More fully, the following 6 points.


1. We prioritise education over profit
  • How 11+ tuition is provided is largely shaped by the degree to which profit is a motive: the greater the profit motive the larger the group size for live lessons and the less effective the learning. 
  • A small group size (10 or fewer pupils with a tutor) favours education over profit. 
  • No number of assistants compensates for a small group with a tutor. 
  • We run our live lessons in small groups because we prioritise education over profit.


2. We believe that preparation towards 11+ is also preparation beyond 11+

Preparation towards 11+ tests and preparation for life can coincide in some obviously important but under-appreciated ways.  We support children in becoming better at learning.  Here are the top three ways in which we do this.


(i) A broad view of education 

We encourage children to love learning for its own sake, read widely, work on coherent thinking and communication, and build their general knowledge by taking an interest in all things.


(ii) Growth Mindset  

  • Some children’s learning is slowed down by a fixed mindset. 
  • We encourage and coach children and parents to develop more of a GROWTH MINDSET (GM). 
  • This helps children to enjoy learning and sustain motivation as well as enabling them to learn more effectively. 
  • Focusing on following good learning processes rather than on scoring high in course work is part of this. 
  • We help educate parents about nurturing a GM because it is they who are the major influence on the mindset that their child exercises.


(ii) Learning opportunities 

  • We characterise and treat mistakes and omissions as valuable learning opportunities to be embraced, thereby enabling children, parents and tutors to hone in on children’s individual, specific learning needs. 
  • Correcting each error and learning from it is a key feature of our courses. This allows children to focus most effort where they most need it.


3. We use a highly interactive, small-group format (i.e. 9 or fewer pupils per group)

Our normal group size for live lessons is between 3 and 9 pupils.  This allows for the optimal combination of two powerful learning factors:

(1) a substantial amount of interaction between the tutor and each pupil, and

(2) the opportunity for children to learn from one another’s questions, comments, and errors. 

  • The first helps the Learning Coach to identify, communicate and address each pupil’s individual learning needs; this benefit drops off dramatically with more than 10 pupils per group. 
  • The second benefit reduces substantially if the group is smaller than 3 pupils.  Between 3 and 10 pupils in a group with one Learning Coach is the ‘Goldilocks’ range.  That is why we adhere to this format wherever possible. 


4. The expertise, and quality of teaching that both pupils and parents have access to
  • All syllabus units are taught by Sir Tailor himself and recorded for unlimited access by you and your child..
  • This allows your child to benefit directly from his over 2 decades of 11+ expertise and lifetime of teaching experience; and not just once, but repeatedly, at a time and place of the pupil’s choosing.
  • This is not only a great learning resource but also a superb tool for revision.
  • You, the parent, also have access to all this world of learning so you have the opportunity to confidently support your child’s learning in an appropriate way.


5. Because of 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, our students learn better; so they do better in 11+ tests
  • The vast *majority of children who have completed this course have gone on to pass one or more 11+ tests.
  • The average **pass rate over 21 years for children who have completed this course is just over 70%.

*Pass rates are based strictly on verified results.

** Pass is here an abbreviation of ‘attaining a score high enough to make the pupil eligible to be considered for a place in a grammar school’.


6. In fact, it’s so good that it warrants a *money-back guarantee: no other 11+ course is good enough to be able to do this
  • We offer a money-back guarantee because we have every reason - including a 23-year history of success for our pupils - to believe in the effectiveness of the course.
  • To the best of our knowledge, no other 11+ course is effective enough to back up its claims with cash.
  • Where others only claim to be good, we guarantee it!

*Refer to term 2 of the T&Cs for this course for full details.






  • The demands of 11+ preparation warrant the support of the household. 
  • Candidates need moral, emotional and psychological support as well as practical and academic support. 
  • This is something to be welcomed and embraced because your child will truly appreciate the value of studying towards 11+ tests if the whole family is involved in the process. 
  • This team effort can strengthen bonds between family members so that everyone gains by it.




Being ready for 11+ tests requires children to build up certain types of Concepts, Knowledge and Skills (CaKeS).  This can be thought of as the learning infrastructure that permits children to learn effectively, a lack of which undermines other efforts to learn. Here are the top 3 things that allow children to excel in 11+ tests, all of them can be improved.

1. By far the most important subject - for all 11+ tests – is ENGLISH

Developing a mastery of English is more important for 11+ than maths, NVR, mock tests, practice papers, and exam techniques combined: all test papers, all maths questions, and all instructions are ... in English!

2. Logical, disciplined thinking

Logical thinking is what the word ‘reasoning’ in verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and numerical reasoning is referring to.

3. Imagination and mental agility

This is the ability to conceive scenarios, apply knowledge and reasoning in new situations, think creatively, and solve problems.  Mental agility can be developed with practice – this is a feature of our courses.  The enjoyment of copious, varied reading and developing mental arithmetic skills also contribute to improving mental agility. 




1. The course covers the following subjects and is relevant to ALL grammar school 11+ tests.
  • English/Verbal Reasoning (VR) 
  • Maths/Numerical Reasoning 
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVR)/Spatial Ability 
2. Some grammar schools test only two of the above subjects, but we believe that all learning that pupils gain is worthwhile and beneficial to them.  Also, we recommend that, wherever possible, pupils sit several different 11+ tests.

3. Creative Writing

(i) Creative Writing is not part of the 11+ Course because most children who attend our course do not sit an 11+ test that contains this subject.

(ii) We run a workshop in Creative Writing several times a year, usually during school holidays, in order to cater for those children who need this for their 11+ tests.

(iii) It is available to pupils on the 11+ Course as an optional extra for which a separate fee is payable.




  1. Who sets the 11+ is almost irrelevant to preparing for it because the knowledge and skills tested are the same regardless of who sets the test papers.
  2. The organisations called GL, CSSE, FSCE and CEM set the vast majoirty of grammar school 11+ tests.  Some schools create their own test papers.
  3. The test setter is largely irrelevant to the learning that children need to do because the differences between test setters tend to be relatively trivial things such as the formats of test papers and the style of questions - as opposed to the Concepts, Knowledge and Skills  (CaKeS) that they test.
  4. The CaKeS that we teach are suitable for all 11+ tests.



G. COURSE STRUCTURE   The course is in 3 phases


Raising the level of fundamental skills and learning from errors are features throughout the course.  The extent of English skills, clear thinking, understanding of the world, general knowledge, and the understanding of basic concepts in language, mathematics and space set the ceiling on children’s potential for further learning.  Also refer to section D above.


PHASE 1  SYLLABUS WORK  -  learning to WALK
This is about two-thirds of the course.  The subject matter of the subjects is taught, unit by unit.  This is the most important part of the course because it is here that the majority of learning and understanding within the programme is gained.


This is about one sixth of the course.  The focus here is on exam techniques and practice (XTP); reviewing and applying what was learned in Phase 1; and objective, written analysis of errors for the purpose of identifying very specific individual learning needs and addressing them. 


PHASE 3  MOCK TESTS for FINE TUNING  -  learning to FLY
This is about one sixth of the course and is based around mock tests.  Children get to scrutinise their test papers immediately after each test so as to be able to fine-tune their learning.  For the final 3 mock tests, parents too are invited to go through the test papers immediately after the test.  By this stage it is largely about identifying and addressing learning shortfalls, and fine-tuning performance.





TWO KINDS OF LESSONS!  Teaching of the syllabus units is done by the person who is best qualified to do it - the course author and 11+ expert, Sir Tailor - via Video Lessons.   This has great advantages for parents as well as pupils, both of whom have direct unlimited access to the actual learning directly from the expert.  This model also has the virtue of allowing Live Lessons - whether attended in a ROOM or via ZOOM - to be utilised for things that can only be done in a Live Lesson.

Video Lessons (VLs)

  • Learning of the syllabus units (concepts and methods) is done via VLs, of which there are in excess of a hundred. Children study the VLs and complete notes and practice at home.  They note down queries that arise so that they can seek clarification in the Live Lesson.
  • VLs allow parents to confidently provide suitable support with syllabus work by having access directly to our teaching of it.
  • VLs allow pupils to conveniently and efficiently review or revise any topic at any time. This is very useful when you consider the amount of ground that they cover and the long duration of the course.
  • Many parents have observed and commented on how useful they have found this resource for learning, reinforcing and revising, and for supporting their child at home.


Live Lessons (LLs)

  • The structure of LLs can vary from week to week and according to the phase of the course, but they operate on the principle of prioritising the things that can only be done in a Live Lesson because they require a two-way interaction: namely, checking some homework, conducting 'tests', explaining queries arising from prep work, and the teaching of problem-solving strategies.
  • As a direct result of the small-group format, the amount of interaction experienced by pupils is substantial.
  • LLs have the same structure, content and learning resources regardless of how your child accesses them (i.e. ROOM or ZOOM) or who the Learning Coach is.


Live Lesson Schedule

  • Children attend one LL weekly, *normally only during term-time. (For historical reasons, we use Slough term dates).
  • Each LL is 3 hours long.
  • 35 Live Lesson are scheduled between September 2024 and September 2025.

*N.B. LLs are scheduled during the latter part of the summer holiday 2025 because most 11+ tests begin soon after the summer holidays. Keep this in mind when planning for these holidays.



I. ROOM or ZOOM for Live Lessons?

ROOM Live Lessons take place in a physical room in a venue such as a hotel or school. 

The main reasons parents have stated for preferring a ROOM slot are:

  • They prefer their child to be in the same physical space as the Learning Coach and other pupils.
  • Their child focuses better when in a dedicated environment away from home.
  • There is no suitable, distraction-free space at home.


ZOOM Live Lessons take place via the internet using the Zoom platform.  The main reasons parents have stated for preferring a ZOOM slot are:

  • They live too far away from a venue, or travel is problematic for other reasons.
  • They like the convenience and peace of mind of their child participating in lessons from home.
  • They save a substantial amount of money, as well as travel time, over the ROOM option.




A rich blend of types of resources are combined to provide a unique, stimulating package to support children's learning.

  • A kit that includes folders, a dictionary/thesaurus, a vocabulary book, a novel (for comprehension), a pencil, cubes (for use in some 3D NVR), and a highlighter pen
  • Publications (pubs): varied practice from a variety of publishers, primarily for pupils to practise problem-solving. (The list of publications we issue is not fixed but is updated on an ongoing basis in accordance with resources available in the market.)
  • Video Lessons: previously detailed
  • Worksheets: some to support syllabus learning and others for groundwork
  • Study Tests: online tutor-marked homework, mainly to reinforce syllabus units
  • Online mental arithmetic practice: for honing mental arithmetic skills
  • CGP 11+ Online practice: an excellent supplement to other learning resources, provided in the summer term
  • Monitoring: Online Record Sheet where scores collect by the LC are recorded.


Because we recognise that the role of home and parents in a child's flourishing far outweighs the role of schools and tutors, we provide a substantial amount of coaching, support and guidance to you in order to empower you to help your child flourish.

  • Books  The Chimp Paradox (to aid Mind Management), and Mindset
  • Email guidance and coaching
  • Webinar guidance
  • Email support 7 days a week
  • Feedback (ILP - Individual Learning Plan)  Two-way online, written feedback system directly with your Learning Coach
  • Monitoring  Online Record Sheet enabling you to readily identify likely learning shortfalls
  • General Videos covering topics of specific interest to parents going through the 11+ process
  • Video Lessons  You, the parent, have access to 100% of the teaching of the syllabus!
  • Sir Tailor  FREE individual meetings with the course author and 11+ expert
  • Study Tests  View-only access to your child’s online homework
  • Parents’ Checklist & Answers (PCA)  You and your child know exactly what work to do between Live Lessons as it is itemised in priority order and includes answers for marking some work.




The following slots are planned. Unviable slots may be cancelled without notice and additional slots may be arranged as required.

Numerous different slots (i.e. combinations of day, time and venue) are planned as shown below.


Note that availability can change from minute to minute.  As the availability indicated below is usually updated only once a day, it may not be accurate. 


Last Updated On 23rd Sep 2024 19:50

Day Venue* Start & End Time Start Date Availability
ThursdayZOOM slot5:00 pm to 8:00 pm12 Sep 24
SaturdayROOM slot: Cranford (Cranford Community College)9:00 am to 12:00 pm14 Sep 24
ROOM slot: Feltham (Springwest Academy)1:00 pm to 4:00 pm14 Sep 24
ROOM slot: Langley (Delta Marriott)9:00 am to 12:00 pm14 Sep 24
ROOM slot: Langley (Delta Marriott)1:00 pm to 4:00 pm14 Sep 24
ZOOM slot9:00 am to 12:00 pm14 Sep 24
SundayROOM slot: Hounslow (Lampton School) 9:00 am to 12:00 pm15 Sep 24
ROOM slot: Langley (Delta Marriott)1:00 pm to 4:00 pm15 Sep 24
ZOOM slot1:00 pm to 4:00 pm15 Sep 24
TuesdayZOOM slot5:00 pm to 8:00 pm17 Sep 24

Last Updated On 23rd Sep 2024


*The venue may be subject to change at short notice as required by the management of the venue.

Venues for ROOM slots

  • Cranford Community College, High Street, CRANFORD, TW5 9PD
  • Springwest Academy, Browells Lane, FELTHAM, TW13 7EF
  • Lampton School, Lampton Avenue, HOUNSLOW, TW3 4EP
  • Delta Marriott Hotel, Ditton Road, LANGLEY, SL3 8PT




  • Each Live Lesson is conducted by a Learning Coach who is trained and qualified for this purpose by Sir Tailor.
  • LCs who conduct ROOM slots are DBS checked.
  • If you apply for a place on this course, you will be subscribing to the programme of learning (i.e. the course) and not to a particular LC.  We do not permit selection of LCs by parents.
  • Requests for/against particular LCs, or for/against LCs of a particular sex/gender, ethnicity, accent, personality or religion will not be considered.




  • All applications are to be made online via our website elevenplustutor.org.uk.
  • You will be required to make a payment at the time of application. 
  • Please read the Terms and Conditions for this course, and call us about any queries, before applying.