Terms and conditions for 2024/25 11+ Course
(16th Apr 2024)
The terms below form the entire agreement between S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Limited (Sir Tailor, us, we, our, the Company) and the applicant (‘You’, usually the parent or guardian). The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these terms.
1.1 We will provide tuition, guidance and the use of resources in preparation for 11+ tests in English/Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics/Numerical Reasoning and Spatial Ability/Non-Verbal Reasoning.
1.2 We may make changes to the course content and structure at our discretion. As part of the course, 35 sessions are currently scheduled from September 2024 to September 2025. Any learning events arranged in addition to this are not included in the course fee.
2.1 The quality and effectiveness of our course, borne out by a 23-year history of children’s success, is high enough to warrant a money-back guarantee for those who fulfil their part. Those who fulfil the following 6 criteria will qualify for a credit of £300 in their Final Statement (see term 9.2).
(i) Attend all lessons in full. The pupil must attend all Live Lessons [35 are scheduled] of the 11+ Course in full, of which at least 27 - including the last 3 - are attended in a Room (as opposed to via Zoom).
(ii) Complete all work set. The pupil must complete all work set [worksheets, books, and online work, including studying video lessons], including corrections, by the given deadlines. Where - in the professional judgement of the Company, usually via the Learning Coach - a piece of work is not attempted or corrected in earnest, or not submitted when due, a Default (D) will be recorded. An accumulation of 10 or more Defaults will render you ineligible for the MBG. All work done on paper [i.e. publications and worksheets] must be retained for possible inspection until 31st January 2025.
(iii) Pay on time. All payments must be received in full by us by the given payment deadlines. See term 8.11.
(iv) Sit Slough and Bucks 11+ tests. The pupil must sit the 11+ tests for the Slough consortium and Buckinghamshire. The pupil must sit these 11+ tests in the main sitting and not in a delayed sitting.
(v) Underscore in both 11+ tests. The pupil did not attain a score in either 11+ test that makes them eligible to be considered for a place at a grammar school (Slough, usually < 111 and Buckinghamshire, usually < 121).
(vi) Forward official results. Copies of formal result notifications (letters, emails, or screenshots) for the Slough consortium and Buckinghamshire must be received by us on or before 31st Oct 202 in order to verify the scores awarded. If either result letter is not received by us by this date, for any reason, you will not be eligible to be considered for the money-back guarantee.
3.1 The course is designed to be a positive, though challenging, learning experience for parents as well as pupils. It is important for effective learning that pupils and parents exercise a Growth Mindset in relation to 11+ preparations and work to minimise elements of a fixed mindset because they undermine learning.
3.2 We take pride in helping your child to learn, and in guiding you in how to support this. This is most effective when our pupils and staff are allowed to work in an atmosphere that is pleasant, constructive, calm, collaborative and mutually supportive.
3.3 Pupils and parents/guardians are to respect the right of staff and pupils to work free from behaviour that they find to be undermining, anxiety-mongering, disruptive, disrespectful, intimidating, abusive or aggressive. This includes your treatment of your own child.
3.4 Following behaviour by parent/guardian or pupil such as those described at 3.3 above we may, in order to protect the well-being of others, and without notice or liability, take reasonable action to preclude the opportunity for the offender to subject others to such behaviours. For this purpose, cautions, the denial of all further contact with the offender and/or ending your subscription to the course are deemed reasonable. If we end your subscription to the course, your liability is as an early leaver. Also see terms 7.2, 8.3 and 10.8.
4.1 Mr Tailor is the COURSE TUTOR responsible for the syllabus, processes, and resources for the course. The majority of syllabus topics are taught by Mr Tailor via video lessons. Each session of the course includes a Live Lesson that is facilitated by a LEARNING COACH (LC) trained, qualified and authorised by Mr Tailor. You can choose whether your child’s Live Lessons take place in a physical venue or in a virtual room (usually via Zoom). Understanding of the syllabus is reinforced by the LC during Live Lessons, where substantial time is dedicated to helping children with their syllabus queries.
4.2 Requests will not be considered for or against particular LCs for any reason, including: length of experience, sex/gender, ethnicity, personality, accent, and religion.
4.3 The company may change the LC for any group at any point without notice at its discretion, the continuity being in the pupil, the learning, the Course Tutor, and the course.
4.4 Of the homework set, the LC is required to mark Study Tests, which must be completed online by the pupil.
4.5 The LC normally co-ordinates the marking of work done during a Live Lesson by the children themselves.
5.1 Within the learning programme, your most important role is to model and nurture sound *Mind Management, a *Growth Mindset, a healthy *Perspective on education, and a supportive ethos. (*As described in ‘11+ Education For Parents’ webinars (available on YouTube) conducted by Mr Tailor.)
5.2 Logistically, you are required to support the pupil in managing and organising their time, effort, resources and tasks at home in such a way as to enable them to attempt their work in a timely manner, to the best of their abilities, and in accordance with the priorities we suggest.
5.3 Of the homework set, you are required to mark - where answers are provided - Brain Exercises and work set from publications (pubs).
5.4 You are to familiarise yourself with the content of emails, webinars, videos, newsletters, books, and other communications provided for your attention by us, and try to follow the guidance therein.
5.5 You are responsible for familiarising yourself with and adhering to the parking regulations at any venue where we hold events, and for any penalties or charges that might be incurred.
6.1 All resources (worksheets, publications, equipment, and online resources) provided by us are for the sole use of the pupil who is subscribed to the course and their parent/guardian, and only whilst they are subscribed to the course. Sharing or copying of resources is strictly prohibited.
6.2 All resources provided by us remain property of the company, except items specifically marked as non-returnable. You may be asked to return some items when leaving the course. You will be liable for a charge for any such items not returned when requested.
6.3 Late joiners to the course and early leavers from the course are entitled access only to the resources issued during the part of the course that they are subscribed to, and only whilst they are subscribed to the course. Also see terms 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7.
6.4 Consumable items, such as the vocabulary book, pencils and highlighter pens, are to be replaced by the applicant at their own expense.
- The applicant will be liable for the cost of any lost or damaged item replaced by us.
7.1 Application for a place on the course must be made via the website and cannot be submitted without your confirming that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions.
7.2 We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any subscription at any time as we deem appropriate and without giving reason, and without notice or liability. In this case, your liability would be as an early leaver. Also see terms 3.4, 8.3 and 10.7.
7.3 The list of slots we run, or plan to run, appears on the website and is subject to change without notice.
7.4 ROOM slot v ZOOM slot. For some slots, Live Lessons take place in a physical venue: these are called ROOM slots. For other slots, Live Lessons take place remotely via the internet, usually via Zoom: these are called ZOOM slots.
7.5 Your child is to normally attend in the slot that is allocated to them in the booking confirmation email except, on each occasion, by prior email arrangement with us, or in the event of a transfer to another slot.
7.6 You may request to transfer your child to another slot at any time by emailing us. If the transfer is from a ROOM slot to a ZOOM slot, or vice versa, you will normally be required to give 3 lessons’ email notice of the transfer. Approval of a transfer is subject to our discretion and to availability.
7.7 We may cancel or discontinue unviable slots without notice. If the slot you have booked is cancelled or discontinued, you may transfer your child to any other slot that has places.
7.8 If your child’s slot is cancelled or discontinued and you, for any reason, do not transfer your child to another slot that has availability but instead choose to end your subscription to the course, your subscription will be ended when the slot ends and you will be entitled to a refund only of any unused portion of fees paid, if any. You will not be eligible for any other payment, compensation or refund.
7.9 Additional slots may be arranged at any point as deemed appropriate by us.
7.10 Live Lessons of the Thursday ZOOM slot, usually facilitated by Mr Tailor, are recorded for training and marketing purposes and as a learning resource for use by other course subscribers. For pupils subscribed to this slot, the online feedback and online performance records too may be used for training and marketing purposes. In applying for, transferring to, or rescheduling your child to attend a lesson in this slot, you give permission for the usage described in this term.
8.1 All monetary amounts in these terms are inclusive of 20% VAT. If the VAT rate increases or decreases during the period of your subscription to the course, the change will be reflected in all charges and refunds relating to a time or period under the new VAT rate.
8.2 The full course fee ranges from £3,117 to £4,157. As illustrated in (a), (b) and (c) below, the fee is determined by the proportion of sessions that You are subscribed to a ZOOM slot and a ROOM slot (see term 7.4). Access to learning resources (printed material, equipment, and online resources) is included in the course fee. But see term 8.12.
(a) ZOOM ONLY If subscribed to a ZOOM slot for the entire course, the full course fee payable is £3,117. For an applicant who pays an Initial Payment of £311 at the time of applying, and pays the remainder of the fee in 11 monthly instalments, each monthly instalment would be £255.09 ([£3,117 - £311]/11).
(b) ROOM ONLY If subscribed to a ROOM slot for the entire course, the full course fee payable is £4,157. For an applicant who pays an Initial Payment of £311 at the time of applying, and pays the remainder of the fee in 11 monthly instalments, each monthly instalment would be £349.64 ([£4,157 - £311]/11).
(c) ZOOM AND ROOM If subscribed for part of the course to a ZOOM slot and part of the course to a ROOM slot, the fee payable would be calculated on a pro rata basis, as illustrated in the following example. If the pupil is subscribed to a ZOOM slot for 20 sessions, say, and to a ROOM slot for the other 15 sessions, the total fee payable would be ([£3,117 x 20/35] + ([£4,157 x 15/35]) = £1,781.14 + £1,781.57 = £3,562.71.
8.3 Late joiners and early leavers are liable for pro rata fees. This means that they are liable for a fraction of the full course fee that is equal to the fraction of the sessions that they are subscribed to.
8.4 Omission or non-attendance for any reason during the period of subscription does not entitle the applicant to a reduction in the fee payable.
8.5 Late joiners can purchase access to Video Lessons from the start of the course at a charge of £2 per Video Lesson. You may purchase access to either all the missed Video Lessons or to none, not a selection.
8.6 Worksheets relating to sessions that took place prior to the start of the subscription to the course can be purchased at a charge of £8 per session.
8.7 For early leavers, access is not available to any resources issued subsequently to the expiry of their subscription to the course.
8.8 An Initial Payment of £311 is payable at the time of application and is non-refundable in the event of the applicant cancelling their application for any reason except as per term 13. For pupils who are on the Foundation Course, the Deposit paid for that course can be accepted and treated as the Initial Payment towards the 11+ Course.
8.11 The Initial Payment received will be deducted from the fees before your monthly instalment is calculated. The payment schedule will normally be made so that payment is completed in equal monthly instalments by 3rd July 2025. The monthly instalment is to be received no later than the 3rd of each month or, if the 3rd is not a working day, the next working day after the 3rd.
8.12 If a monthly instalment is not received in full by the deadline, from the 7th day after the missed deadline access to the course may be partly or fully suspended until payments are brought back on schedule.
8.13 Repeated failure to honour payment deadlines may result in the facility to pay in instalments being withdrawn and/or your formal notice of termination to be deemed to have been received. Also see term 10.4.
8.14 You will be liable for all costs incurred by us in recovering a debt from you.
9.1 Rewards apply only for clients who are: (i) subscribed to the whole course, and (ii) subscribed to ROOM lessons for at least 24 sessions, and (iii) fully paid up by 3rd July 2025. Late joiners to the course, and early leavers from the course, are not eligible for rewards.
Reward category |
Amount |
Qualification criteria |
Loyalty |
£50 |
Older sibling of pupil was subscribed to over 50% of our 11+ Course. |
Foundation Course |
Up to £160 |
This Reward allows you to benefit from last year's prices in proportion of the fraction of the 2023/24 Foundation Course (FC) that you were subscribed to. (Up to £160 if you were subscribed to the whole of the FC and all ROOM for the 11+ Course.) |
Priority Booking |
£50 |
Application form & initial payment were received by 5th May 2023. |
Up Front Payment |
£50 |
Full payment of £4,157 was received by 11th Sep 2024. |
Result Letters |
£25 |
We received copies of all the 11+ result letters by 31st Oct 2025. |
9.3 Final Statements, detailing all payments due, payments received and a final balance, will normally be sent by 31st Dec 2025, and any Rewards or refund as soon as possible thereafter.
10.1 If you wish to end your subscription to this course, you must email 3 lessons’ notice to Manager@ElevenPlusTutor.org.uk.
10.2 Your notice period begins the Live Lesson after the day that your email notice is received. This means that any Live Lesson on the day that your notice email is received will not be part of your notice period. You will not be entitled to any further access to the course after the date of the last lesson of your notice.
10.3 You are liable for fees, calculated pro rata (the proportion of fees corresponding to the proportion of lessons: half the fee for half the lessons, for example), up to the end of your notice period.
10.4 We may deem you to have given notice to end your subscription in the event of your failure to honour the payment schedule. Also see term 8.13.
10.5 You are liable for the charge for any items requested but not returned by the specified deadline.
10.6 If a pupil stops attending without email notice having been received, you may be deemed to have given notice after the final attendance or later, so your notice period will be at least 3 sessions after the final attendance.
10.7 If your subscription is ended before the start of the course, you will forfeit in full the Initial Payment made, howsoever made, and you and your child will not be entitled to any access to the course or resources. Also see term 8.8 and term 13.
10.8 We may end your subscription as per terms 3.4, 7.2 and 8.13.
11.1 In this clause:
“Intellectual Property Rights” means patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, trade marks, business names and domain names, rights in get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off, rights in designs, database rights, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how), and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world; and
“Supplier Materials” means all materials, equipment, documents and other property of S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd.
11.2 All Intellectual Property Rights in or arising out of or in connection with the services provided by S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd to you shall be owned by S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd.
11.3 All Supplier Materials are the exclusive property of S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd.
12.1 Nothing in the contract shall limit or exclude S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd’s liability for:
death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or breach of the terms implied by section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (title and quiet possession) or any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.
12.2 Subject to term 12.1, S’ir Tailor Master Tutor Ltd shall not be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the contract for: loss of profits; loss of sales or business; loss of agreements or contracts; loss of anticipated savings; loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; loss of or damage to goodwill; and any indirect or consequential loss.
12.3 The terms implied by sections 3 to 5 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the contract.
12.4 This clause 12 shall survive termination of the contract.
13.1 You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 calendar days of entering into this contract without giving any reason. Thereafter, it will be treated as notice to end your subscription under term 10.
13.2 To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear email to Manager@ElevenPlusTutor.org.uk. We must receive your email within 14 days after the date of application.
13.3 If you cancel this contract within 14 days of entering into it, we will reimburse to you all payments received from you, subject to the below clause 13.5.
13.4 We will refund any overpayment without undue delay, and not later than 14 days after you have returned any resources as required. We will make any refund using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you and we have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement.
13.5 If you have begun using the services during the cancellation period, you will be liable for pro rata fees. If any returnable resources are not returned when due, you will be liable for their cost.
14.1 You consent to our using personal data that you supply in order to provide our services and keep you informed about products, services and information we provide relevant to education.
14.2 You consent to our storing your personal data in hard or electronic form for the purposes stated in 14.1.
14.3 We will not provide your personal data to any third party except in the interests of Child Protection or as required to do so by law.
14.4 Refer to our Privacy and Security Policy for fuller details.
15.1 This agreement may only be varied by mutual agreement by email between you and the Director, Mr Tailor.
16.1 No one other than a party to the contract shall have any right to enforce any of its terms.
17.1 The contract, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.
18.1 Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the contract or its subject matter or formation.